Feel-Good Marketing

Last week inside of The Feel Good CEO Collective we had a workshop all about marketing in a way that feels good.

It’s no secret that marketing in the online space has changed over the past year. The tactics of the past are no longer working like they used to, but that does not mean that your business is doomed. Being a business owner means being flexible and willing to adjust whenever necessary. 5 years ago when the pandemic hit, everyone had to make huge adjustments in their business. Here we are 5 years later, and we are being called to do the same.

The difference however, is that 5 years ago we made adjustments so that we could survive. Now, I am suggesting that we make adjustments so that we can thrive. And since this is The Feel Good CEO where YOU come first, I don’t mean just thriving in your business… I mean you thriving as an individual as well.

Burnout is happening at rapid speeds lately, we are feeling overwhelmed and over-connected all while feeling disconnected to ourselves and our callings. Many online business owners experienced a slower year in 2024, and it might be making you question whether or not you made the right choice. I am here to encourage you and remind you that the world needs what you have to offer. But the world also needs YOU. So let’s reframe the way we view marketing where we put human connection first so that we can bloom organically and ditch the burnout.

I don’t want this to be a blog post where you just consume the content and move on. I also don’t want this to be a blog post that tells you exactly what to do. There should not be a one-size-fits-all marketing blueprint. The way that you market your business should be unique to you and your business. So grab a piece of paper and a writing utensil and take notes as you follow along.

Feel-Good Marketing Step #1 - The Introduction

We already know that organic marketing is not what it used to be. We can’t rely on the algorithm to show our work to our ideal clients. And if we do happen to show up on their feed, we have to do something silly or dramatic to get their attention. This is where we get marketing tips that say “create a scroll stopping hook.” We are supposed to start with something dramatic like “I can’t believe I’m saying this but…” and follow it up with a call to action. This makes me think of how my mom answers the phone. Every time she answers her phone she will say something like “WHAT HAPPENED?!?” and me and my siblings are over here thinking someone died. But then she will say “oh, yea the keys are on the kitchen counter.”

So how do we introduce ourselves to others in a way that feels good? Well let’s start by thinking about how you meet new friends. Most of my friends I know because we met through school, in person clubs or sports, an online community, or they are friends of friends. There is a deeper level of connection that happens when you meet someone through a similar interest or someone you already know and trust. So let’s break this down into 2 parts.

  1. Community

    How can you get involved in your local community? Is there an online community that you can join?

  2. Friends of Friends

    Set up a group of a few business friends and commit to naturally connecting each other to people that you know. For example, I am a personal trainer but my specialty is not macro counting. If I have a friend or know someone who is looking to be set up with a nutrition coach who will help them count their macros, I know exactly who to connect them with.

Activity - these are just a few examples of how to introduce yourself to new people. Take some time to think of some of the friendships and relationships that you have made and brainstorm ways you can translate that to your business.

Feel-Good Marketing Step #2 - Get to Know Each Other

Now that you’ve made the connection, it’s time to go beyond the surface. If you were to go on a first date and the person speaks the entire time about themselves, that would likely be the end of that. On the other hand, if the entire time the other person is urgently asking you questions, you might be very creeped out and claim that you have a stomach bug and leave before dessert. The best conversations are ones that have a balance between asking questions and telling the other person about yourself.

What is your platform of choice? Not the platforms that the experts say you should be using, the ones that you genuinely enjoy using. Is it Instagram, YouTube, blogging, podcasting, email? Choose 1 or 2 to focus on for this quarter. When you are creating content, think about that first date example. We don’t want to be constantly in their DM’s asking them about themselves or making small talk. There are people who believe in this tactic and personally, I hate it. You’ll follow someone and then you instantly start getting DM’s from them that seem genuine at first but you know that there is an “ask” right around the corner. Personally, I like to consume someones content at my own pace before I decide if I want to work with them.

With all that said when you are creating content and bringing value to your people, think about how you can showcase who you are while also helping the person on the other side feel seen, heard and supported.

Organically stay in touch with the direct connections that you have made. Don’t overthink it, just be normal (lol).

Feel-Good Marketing Step #3 - Invite > Sell

If you want to be in business, you have to sell. There is no way around it. But you don’t have to be scammy or weird about it. When you were a kid and you made a new friend, eventually you would invite them over to your house. This is a vulnerable time as a kid, because you can either be rejected by your new friend or their parents or your parents would not approve. But that’s what being human is all about. Being vulnerable, putting ourselves out there, sharing our enthusiasm with others even though we could be (and likely will be) rejected at some point. When you are enthusiastic and passionate about what you do, you might even find that you don’t have to “ask” the other person to be involved. They might take it upon themselves to take the next step into your world.

But we don’t want to always rely on that. How can you let your new friends know what you have to offer? We are all great sales people. When we love something, we want to tell the whole world about it. For example, a client and friend of mine told me about this self-care app called Finch. It took me several weeks before I downloaded it myself, but once I did…I fell in love! I told my sisters about it, I told my mom about it, I started telling my clients about it. Now I have 10 friends on this app, and they are telling their friends about it as well. I don’t make a commission from it, I just love sharing things that I enjoy.

One of my favorite ways to market my business is through being a guest on podcasts. Every time I leave an interview, I feel reinvigorated about my business and my mission. I think it has something to do with it being conversational. A lot of our marketing is one sided. We are writing a social media post, blog post, or filming a video with no one on the other side.

How can you have more conversations? Can you be a guest in someone else’s community? Can you get on more podcasts? Can you host an event or be a guest at one?

What about in your every day life? Do you talk about your business with your friends and loved ones? Personally I find that I hold myself back from talking about my business with the people in my life and I’m not really sure why. A goal of mine is to get better at genuinely sharing about my business. Whether it’s telling my family about a client who has inspired me, or a new offer I’m excited about launching, I want to share my enthusiasm more.

Activity - how can you have more genuine conversations about your business?

Feel-Good Marketing Step #4 - Nurture your People

Have you ever had that friend or family member who won’t talk to you for months and then when they finally do reach out, you know that it’s to ask a favor? Don’t be like that in your business! Sometimes we unknowingly stop “wooing” our clients once they have paid. Or if someone doesn’t become a client, we give up on them and move on. What if you viewed these new relationships as the prize in and of itself and the monetary transaction is a bonus? We don’t have to overextend ourselves and be “extra” but the tiniest things make a big difference. If you know your client is celebrating something big, why not send a card in the mail? Why not do the same for past clients? If you see a quote or something at a store that reminds you of someone, snap a picture and send it their way.

Technology is advancing so quickly. Instagram has AI accounts, people don’t have to create their own content anymore, everything is an app, and we are online more than ever. I really feel like we are craving more humanity. Our accounts are out there for millions of people to see, yet many people are feeling unseen. We have hundreds and even thousands of followers, yet we are more lonely than ever.

What if you gave up the pressure of numbers and started focusing on one relationship at a time?

In my business, I have noticed that it is not the amount of followers or clients that you have that matters. It is the quality of these relationships. When you focus on relationships your clients will be clients for life. They will naturally tell their people about your business in the same way I told my people about the Finch app.

If you have come this far, thank you for taking the time to read this post. In a world with short captions and quick videos, I know that capturing your attention for this long is rare. Feel free to comment on this post and share your thoughts or some marketing tips that have helped you. Or just to introduce yourself. Maybe we can start making genuine connections right here on this post? I am rooting for you!!!


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